Conditioning a non surgical hair system
Alternate using an "After Color conditioner" and a "Reconstructing conditioner".
1. Begin by drying out as much of the excess water out of your hair system as possible. Take a towel and dry out as much water as you can.
2. Apply the conditioner through the hair from the root to the tip. (If you are wearing your hair system at the time of conditioning, avoid using conditioners near the attachment site as adhesive may detach prematurely)
3. Use a wide toothed comb to gently comb through the hair system to ensure the conditioner is evenly distributed throughout your hair system.
4. Leave the conditioner on for the recommended amount of time.
5. Thoroughly rinse your hair system with lukewarm (not hot) water. Ensure that you get as much of the conditioner out of your hair system to prevent build-up.
6. Repeat rinsing process again ensuring that you lift up each section of your hair system and thoroughly rinse underneath. Please keep your hair travelling in one direction (hanging downwards in one direction) and do not allow the hairs to cross over each other as this seriously increases the risk of developing tangles).
7. Blot dry your hair system by gently pressing/patting the hair with a cotton towel never rubbing the hair.
8. You can either leave your hair system to dry naturally or alternatively blow dry your hair system on a cool setting. When blow drying your hair system take care not to lift the hair system when round brushing and drying your hair. Brush gently toward the face. Do not brush or tug abruptly when drying the hair. Press firmly around perimeter after blow drying.
If you wash/condition your hair system whilst it is attached to your head it is important that you press firmly at the attachment site. You do this by using the flat edge of a comb to firmly press around the perimeter of your hair system for one minute at a time. Use a flat comb as your fingers will carry a natural residue that will affect the bond. By doing this you will keep your hair system firmly attached to the scalp area.
Please note that when you use an After Color shampoo you need to combine this with an After Color conditioner and alternatively when you use a Moisturizing shampoo you combine it with a Reconstructing conditioner.
Avoid washing hair upside down in the sink as this can cause extreme tangles. Always keep the hair going in the same direction.
Do not go to bed with wet hair.
Avoid if possible using a shower hooked to the wall of a shower. Instead use a shower head as this makes the whole washing process much easier.
Do not choose shampoos for oily hair. Choose ones that say they are designed for dry, colored or chemically treated hair as they add the most moisture.